About District
a.District Profile
District Neemuch is located in the North West border of Madhya Pradesh. It is situated between 24o 15’ and 250 02 North latitude and 740 43’ and 750 37’ east longitude and it is 496 meter above mean sea level.
The district has three blocks, three tehsils and three revenue sub division namely Neemuch, Jawad and Manasa.

Demographical information of district
S No. | Particulars | Name of Block | Total District | ||
Neemuch | Jawad | Manasa | |||
1 | Population | 2,17,742 | 2,18,390 | 2,35,325 | 7,25,457 |
2 | Geographical Area(ha) | 85,137 | 1,56,951 | 1,51,466 | 3,93,554 |
3 | Distance from district H.Q(km) | 0 | 20 | 30 | - |
Block Wise Population in Neemuch

Population Distribution of Neemuch

Neemuch SC and ST population 2001
Block | Population(Numbers) | |
SC | ST | |
Jawad | 20253 | 27540 |
Manasa | 24691 | 16587 |
Neemuch | 21622 | 10285 |
Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Block Wise Literacy Rate
Block | Literate People | Literacy |
Jawad | 91356 | 50.87 |
Manasa | 95929 | 49.19 |
Neemuch | 79287 | 53.4 |
Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Working Class of District Neemuch

Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Trend of area/productivity of 3-4 major crops grown in Kharif & rabi, cropping pattern

Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Productivity trend of major crops in Neemuch

Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Status of livestock in brief
Category | Population |
Cattle | 220906 |
Buffalo | 114198 |
Sheep | 11903 |
Goats | 167663 |
Pigs | 2221 |
Poultry | 39161 |
Land utilization & irrigation status (in graphical form)

Land Holding Pattern of Neemuch

Source: District statistical Book, 2007
Sourcewise Irrigated Area in Percentage

Source: District statistical Book, 2007
b.Scenario of Agriculture & allied department including administrative details
Apart from the issues faced by the district in agricultural activities, another disquieting feature of agriculture growth in the recent years is that some of the allied sectors of agriculture which were considered as sunrise sectors, e.g. livestock and fisheries and horticulture also started showing deceleration. The growth rates in the output of fruits and vegetables and fisheries decelerated.
The declaration is also seen in the case of livestock sector. At present allied sector especially animal husbandry is seen as additional source of income and very less emphasis has been given in its development. However, due to the limited scope of further addition to the net area sown in the district, diversification of district agriculture through allied activities is a significant way of reduction in income disparities between rural and urban population.
c.Thrust area, Potential & Problems
Thrust Areas |
Quality Seed |
Crop Diversification |
Unawareness |
Potential |
- 1.Great potential for increasing productivity of major crops through technical training, better agricultural practices, HYV, nutrient management and increasing area under irrigation.
- 2.Huge potential for crop diversification by bringing area under horticultural crops along with drip irrigation.
- 3.Animal Husbandry and Poultry has huge potential for employment creation in the rural areas.